What we do
Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire is committed to providing a protected life for all donkeys on Bonaire. Information is also given about the living environment of donkeys to the islanders, at schools and to tourists. More than 800 donkeys currently live in Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire. They are provided with food, drinking water and medical care and have a lot of space and freedom.
When a report comes in of a wild donkey in need, volunteers go out to help the animal. Sick and injured animals are cared for in the shelter, where a veterinarian is called in if necessary.
Motherless foals are bottle-fed. All stallions that come in are neutered to prevent an increase in the number of donkeys in the shelter. Once the animals have recovered, they will be lovingly cared for for the rest of their lives in Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire.
Much has been achieved in all the years that Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire has existed. Hundreds of donkeys have been rescued from the streets under appalling conditions and have been given a safe living in the shelter. Unfortunately, many donkeys were so seriously ill or injured that they could no longer be cured.
Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire paid the costs of euthanasia by a veterinarian for these animals, so that they were at least put out of their suffering.
The work of Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire is still badly needed.
We have been working with Stinapa for 21 years. With the Natrure education program, lessons are given in schools with the learningbox about the donkeys. The children get 4 lessons at school about the donkeys and the last lesson is given in the Sanctuary just like a school trip. The children are introduced to our donkeys, tortoises, iguanas and flamingos. With this we hope to contribute to the knowledge about the donkeys on Bonaire and why we take care of these animals!